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Orlando Haunts Blog - Haunted Stories

The Legend of the Devil’s Chair

Posted on July 30, 2024
Hidden within the folklore of America is the notion of the Devil’s Chair, often referred to as a haunted or cursed chair. These eerie seats, which appear in various forms across the country, are roo...

The Haunted I-4 Dead Zone

Posted on July 30, 2024
Every day, thousands of unsuspecting drivers pass over a seemingly ordinary stretch of highway, known to locals as the "I-4 Dead Zone." This quarter-mile of road has earned a notorious reputation as o...

The Haunted Angebilt Hotel

Posted on June 7, 2024
While it is understood that the grand and expansive theme parks of Orlando, Florida, are its primary attraction for those drawn to the darker stories and legends of history, the entire area is rich in...